Building an online community of Women who want to be better!
Well Ladies you know my very first post had to come out of a Real Place… Let's be honest, sometimes finding Joy in being a wife of the same man for 40 years plus, is not for the faint of heart and not for everyone.
Are you a Christian, and a girlfriend or a wife who has prayed, but simply need practical advice from a real group of women?
Are you looking to: grow in faith; find fresh ideas to pray more; learn why you react the way that you do and get better understanding of biblical content concerning wives, character, healing, and forgiveness?
Do you enjoy transparent and honest talks about tough faith issues, that often rear their ugly heads in our relationships?
Have you been longing for a real community of like-minded individuals where you can connect and grow?
Great, then this page is the right place for you!
If you are a guy, feel free to stick around too... Just know that I'm a straight up Jesus Girl, but will be speaking straight up honest about honest issues. And will be catering all topics towards the ladies, because men and women learn differently and are known to experience different weaknesses, strengths, and issues. It's not personal or prejudice... But being REAL, it's just all I got ;)
I wish I could be everywhere to help you all, with one-on-one counseling sessions and preventative care sessions. But I do still work full time... So right now all I can do is connect online, write blog posts and emails, and record videos... and honestly, I LOVE that! But it cannot be impactful if we don’t open up and support each other. This is one way for me to serve you from wherever I am. And it enables the passion that I have to help women grow in their relationships to flourish through this social media community and online from the website.
Building an online community of Women who want to be better! Join Us Sis...