Adia Dozier is a new author, a minister of the gospel, and prayer warrior, who views wifehood as a calling from God. And prides herself in being a student and teacher of biblical wisdoms for any woman desiring to one day be a wife, or to perfect their current disciplines as a wife, so they can be the best wife God has called for them to be. She chose to follow her 25-year passion for marriage ministry after her first marriage of 13 years ended abruptly in 2015. God has set her heart ablaze to teach every woman that will listen how to overcome what the enemy sent to destroy your deep desire to be a wife.

And how they can still rise to perfect their craft, by leaning to practice spiritual disciplines to help them become a current or a future Wife of Excellence. In such a time as this, where women are taught by the world to: be independent of men; think/act like a man; and dominate your husband, she boldly walks under the Titus 2 anointing, bringing to life in the present day the scriptures breathed in Titus 2:3-5. Believing that Wifehood is a Calling from God, she works with women on one-on-one and teaches her curriculum in a class setting, equipping them to win their husbands by their conduct. Just as the word says in 1 Peter 3:1-7.
In 2015 her life was drastically changed when she experienced the darkest winter season of her life, when her soul was violated by the vile act of murder. Instead of remaining devasted and now living with handicapped faith, this tragedy has forever changed the trajectory of her inspiring message. With bold character built from the ash of her incinerated former self, Adia is now commissioned by God to teach others how to make it through the varying, but inevitable storms of life, and make it to the other side.
And then begin strategically fighting for the wholeness that Jesus came to bring, described in John 10:10. Providing strategic instructions on how to crawl out of your dark place after the attack may have indeed broken you… And walk straight into the knowledge of the hope held in your tomorrows, that already occurred when God sent His only Son that you didn’t have to remain Broken or Bound! Hallelujah! Her heart for women and teachings on being a virtuous wife, thus inspired her to write this 52 Week Devotional for Wives, broken down into the 4 seasons of marriage, headed to publishing in 2022.